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为了探究大金山岛典型大气污染物的特征及其来源,本文以气溶胶粒径谱仪、气体采样袋与测汞仪对大金山岛大气中的颗粒物PM2.5、PM10,挥发性有机物(VOCs),以及大气重金属汞进行监测、采集与分析。结果表明,颗粒物PM2.5和PM10浓度(μg/m~3)在空间上,依次表现为:小金山岛(45.76,60.97金山码头(43.80,56.45)大金山岛(37.92,53.63);大气总VOCs浓度(μg/m~3)在空间上,依次表现为:小金山岛(338.01)大金山岛(318.72)金山码头(303.93);大气重金属汞浓度(ng/m~3)在空间上,依次表现为:小金山岛(7.33)大金山岛(6.02)金山码头(4.65)。后向轨迹模型分析表明,到达大金山岛的气团主要来自西北方位的河南中西部及长三角西北部。  相似文献   
群体遗传结构的理解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡新生 《林业科学》2002,38(2):119-128
一个植物种群体的空间分布大致可划分为两类 :离散分布与连续分布。然而隐藏在这种表观物理分布内部的遗传变异是十分复杂的。这种变异是如何分布的呢 ?这种分布又是如何维持的呢 ?因此 ,认识一个种的群体遗传结构有助于我们理解该种的进化过程 ,并提供为遗传资源保护做出决策的重要信息。本文对三大经典遗传结构模型 (岛屿模型、步石模型及距离隔离模型 )与渐变群理论及它们的异体和发展进行了详细的分析和评述。目前获得的许多不同类型的遗传标记使这些理论的应用得到不同程度的实现 ,但由于这些理论结论涉及到许多假设 ,在实际应用时应十分慎重。作者认为许多已建立的适合于动物群体遗传结构理论不能简单地直接应用于植物群体上 ,今后一个重要的研究内容就是要建立适合于植物群体的遗传结构理论  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Common silver biddy Gerres oyena were collected monthly between November 2002 and November 2005 in Okinawa Island of southern Japan. The seasonal reproductive cycle of this species was investigated using the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and through histological observation of gonads. Temporal variation in the GSI reflected gonadal development from histological observations; ovary development occurred from March to September and testes development occurred between March and August. Maximal development was observed in April and May in both sexes. While mean values for hepatosomatic and lipidosomatic indices decreased markedly in females relative to males during gonadal development, mean condition factors decreased with gonadal recrudescence in both sexes. The minimum standard length (SL) at sexual maturity was 89.7 mm for females and 81.4 mm for males and the size at which 50% of individuals were sexually mature was 104 and 92 mm SL in females and males, respectively. The power relationships of batch fecundity (BF) versus standard length (SL, mm) and body weight (BW, g) of females can be expressed as BF  = 46.7 × e1.64 SL and BF  = 19 697 × e0.49 BW , respectively.  相似文献   
根据海南岛最新的蝶类文献资料进行了分类统计,结果表明,海南岛蝶类共计613种,隶属于11个科220个属。并对海南岛资料较全的589种蝶类昆虫进行了区系分析,其中属东洋区系种类的占总数的81.49%,其它跨区系的广布种占18.51%,显然,东洋界的种类占优势。提出了实现海南岛蝶类资源可持续利用的策略。  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了300份海岛棉种质材料的30个性状记录所建立的综合性状数据库系统的数据来源,软件设计思想,系统功能和特点,数据库管理和统计分析两个子系统间的通讯。该系统的研制对海岛棉种质资源的加工利用和育种工作提供了大量重要信息。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The development of embryos, larvae and juveniles of the Ryukyu-ayu, Plecoglossus altivelisryukyuensis are described based on laboratory-reared specimens.The eggs were spherical, 0.98–1.18 mm (mean 1.06 mm)in diameter with an adherent membrane. The incubation period after fertilizationwas approximately 155 h at a water temperature of 19.7–22.0°C(mean 20.7°C). Newly hatched larvae were 5.0–5.9 mm(mean 5.5 mm) in body length (BL) with 59–62 myotomes.Within 5 days after hatching, the larvae had attained 6.4–8.2 mm(mean 7.8 mm) BL and had completely consumed their yolk.Notochord flexion began at 13.7 mm BL and was completedby 16.3 mm BL. The rudimental dorsal, anal, pelvic andadipose fins appeared at 14.7, 16.3, 21.8 and 21.8 mm BL, respectively.All fin rays reached the same fixed number of adult fish at about28 mm BL. The comb-like teeth began to form at approximately30 mm BL and were fully developed at about 40–50 mm BL.The proportions of P. a. ryukyuensis specimens,which were consistent with adult fish, occurred at approximately40 mm BL.  相似文献   
马益斌  范桑桑  刘强  刘红晓 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(29):14295-14299
分析了海南岛1987~2008年间森林资源的变化,其主要特点有:①除1993~1998年外,其他阶段海南林业用地面积稳步上升,2008年达到208.73万hm2,森林覆盖率达51.98%,无林地面积明显减少。②近20年来海南省森林蓄积除在1987~1993年略有下降外,其后也持续增长。③森林资源质量不断下降,但在2008年后有所改善。④海南岛人工林面积不断增加,到2008年已占总面积的61.35%,人工林优势种主要为橡胶、桉树和芒果等热带经济作物。该研究还探讨了海南岛森林资源变化的原因,分析了海南岛森林资源存在的问题,提出今后森林资源的经营管理建议。  相似文献   
以珠海市淇澳岛红树林引种园23个主要红树林引进树种(2年生)为研究对象,建立涵盖生长适应性、抗逆性、景观价值等多因子的综合评价指标体系,选用层次分析法(AHP)对引进树种进行适应性评价。根据综合评价将红树林引进树种分成4类,表现良好的有拉关木、黄槿、杨叶肖槿和木榄等7种,表现较好的有尖叶卤蕨、海漆等4种,表现一般的有尖瓣海莲、海莲和木果楝等6种,最差的有角果木、正红树和白骨壤等6种。研究认为,拉关木适宜作为低潮滩的先锋造林树种,木榄为中高潮滩的造林树种,而黄槿、杨叶肖槿和海漆可作为高潮滩及堤岸的造林树种,海滨猫尾木、银叶树、海芒果和玉蕊则在滨海城市绿化中更具推广应用价值。  相似文献   
文章以珠海市横琴岛长隆国际海洋度假区项目主题公园为研究对象,通过分析当地及周边区域的气候条件、自然植被、园林树木生长状况,并结合该度假区游览、运营等综合目标,从适地适树的基本原则出发提出了八大主题公园的主要园林树种规划思路及建议选用的65个乔木树种,以供同行参考。  相似文献   
We examined the impact of various coastal developments on mangrove cover along the Kilim River, Langkawi Island, Malaysia between 1996 and 2008. We analysed images from Systeme Probatoire d’Observation de la Tarre (SPOT) of Kilim River using supervised classification and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Over 8% (176.83 ha) of mangrove cover was degraded along the Kilim River from its total area of 2153.07 ha during the past 14 years. We identified several causes of mangrove degradation, including mangrove clearing (38%), mangrove conversion to commercial area (21%), residential area (19%), agriculture (12%), aquaculture (12%) and wake current (6%). Langkawi is one of the main tourism islands in Malaysia. Tthe pace of coastal development throughout the entire island including Kilim River had suppressed the mangroves propagation over the years. Long term monitoring of mangrove ecosystems is essentials to ensure the survival and sustainability of mangrove associated biodiversity.  相似文献   
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